Saturday 15th June

Ash Butterss & Danni Carr

Befriend Your Nervous System

A Yoga Journey of Embodiment and Regulation

Melbourne Workshop

Join Ash Butterss and Danni Carr for this immersive workshop guiding you through a deeper understanding of the nervous system and how to self-regulate.

This four hour workshop offers both education and practical tools to deepen your understanding of the mind-body connection and enhance your well-being.

All levels of experience welcome!


Investment: $165pp

Venue: Here Yoga, 1A Winter St, Malvern VIC 

When: Saturday 15th June, 2024

Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm

What to bring: Towel and Water Bottle

What You’ll Experience

  • Psycho-Education

    Delve into the intricate workings of the nervous system and explore the concept of the "window of tolerance" to better understand how stress impacts our mental and physical health. Gain insights into how yoga practices can help regulate the nervous system and expand your window of tolerance.

  • Rajasic and Tamasic Yoga Knowledge

    Explore the ancient yogic concepts of Rajasic and Tamasic energies, understanding how they manifest within ourselves and our practice. Learn how to harness these energies to find balance and harmony in your life.

  • Breath Work Practices

    Experience the transformative power of breath work through guided practices, including Bhastrika (fire breath), to enhance awareness, release tension, and cultivate inner calm.

  • Vinyasa Flow

    Rejuvenate your body with a gentle yet dynamic Vinyasa flow sequence designed to elevate your heart rate and cultivate energy within the body.

  • Yin Yoga

    Indulge in restorative yoga poses carefully curated to relax the body, quieten the mind, and restore balance to your energy levels.

  • Yoga Nidra

    Conclude your journey with a deeply relaxing Yoga Nidra session, guiding you into a state of profound relaxation and inner stillness, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and centered.

See you on the mat!

Ash & Danni xo

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